Thursday, August 16, 2007

Reading Taleem to Children Everyday

I have started to read an Islamic book, Fazal-e-amaal (Taleem) to my children everyday since last week. At the begining, my children didn't sit down and listen to the story properly. So, I had to make them sit and listen to the story. After I finished reading the story, I would say before them, "May Allah grant us Taufiq and make Ruqayyah and Muaz to be a beloved servant of Allah. Ameen."

Everytime I said "Ameen", my duagther ruqayyah often said in Thai "Ameen, koh Allah tob tan ka," that mean "May Allah reward. Ameen."

I have made them to sit and listen to Taleem for a week with hope that they will be deciplined soon.

Alhamdulillah, after dhur salaat, my children sat and listened to Taleem properly.

If we read Islamic stories (the stories of sahaba), instead of unIslamic stories, to the children, insha allah, Allah will make them to be rightous.

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