Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Homeschool for My Little Daughter

It is like a fashion in my non-Muslim society that most of the parents send their children to nursery school and most of the parents are so happy to see the development of their children. Many of my neighbors asked me when will I send my daughter to the school and where will be her school because most of their kids are studying in the nusery school and the kids learn many things from there. Most of them are curioused about me as being a Muslim and how will I support my children's education. I only told them that I will send my children to Muslim school so that my children will have Islamic environment and I won't be worried about their food, safety and so on.

As being a housewife, I help my husband's work and take care of the childrens myself. I have taught my children at home for such a long time. However, i also wanted my daughter to go to nursery school, so that she will be ready to study in Grade 1.

When I went to see the schools for my daughter, I decided not to put my daughter in the nursery school. I felt that the school is not suitable for my daughter as it is far from my home and she is too young to wake up so early in the morning to face traffic jam everyday. She will get tired and won't learn anything but feeling sleepy in the class. Therefore, I teach my little daughter at home before she will go to school next year. I believe that my daughter will learn and will be enjoyed homeschool.

I started searching about the lesson plan and information for teaching my daughter and rearrange my home for more space and my schedule time since that day. I know that it will be a lot of work for me but it is a really big investment for my children's future.

It was the first day of my daughter's homeschool (1 April 2008). She was enjoyed and keep on asking me to tell her the stories and poem.

This morning she woke up and told me, "Umme, I want to study."


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I have learnt much from these few words of this blog.
"May Allah help your daughter to become a good Muslimah"

Unknown said...

A great mummy!

Ammaarah said...
